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When you first log in to the Hiring Application, you will see the dashboard. If you are not already on this tab, select Hiring from the menu on the top of the page.
The first time you visit this page, you will see a screen with the following empty fields. Here is where you will eventually see your job postings, applicants, confirmed interviews, etc.
Company Profile
The first thing you will need to do is to set up your company profile.
Select your name on the upper right, and select Company Profile from the dropdown menu that appears.
Under Company Profile Information, complete as much of the form as possible, especially the required fields marked with an asterisk (*).
Upload your company logo by selecting the Upload Logo button on the right. Choose the image from your hard drive and select Open. Note, if you make a mistake, you can delete the image, by selecting the red trashcan icon on the lower right:
This logo will be used for sharing on various social media platforms and can also be used in your communications to improve your brand.
If you wish to use social media, enter the links to your profiles. When you have completed this page, select Save.
You have the option of setting up additional administrators so that other people at your company can help manage the hiring process.
Select Team from the left navigation menu.
To add a new team member, select the Add Team Member button at the bottom of the page.
Enter the person’s information, including
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone
Indicate whether this person will have access to download candidates’ application forms.
When you are ready, select the Add Member button.
Application Forms
Next you will want to create one or more application forms to be used for job postings. Go back to the Hiring page, by select Hiring from the top menu, and then select Administration - Application Forms from the left menu.
Select Add New Form.
Enter a name for your form and select continue.
Create a new form by dragging and dropping elements from the left onto the canvas. Using the right column, you can configure these fields.
You can save your form as a draft and preview it by using the buttons on the bottom of the page.
Offer Letters
You can set up some standard offer letter forms to use when you wish to extend a hiring invitation to an applicant.
From the main Hiring page, select Administration – Offer Letters.
You may edit the default offer letter by selecting the edit icon, or make a copy of it to edit, by selecting the copy icon.
If you wish to start from scratch, select Add New Template. On the screen that comes up, give your template a name, determine whether to include your company logo (you can upload it here or it will use the one you entered for your company profile), and begin constructing your template with the text you would like to use.
You may use preset fields which will automatically pull information from the job and application.
Indicate whether you need an approver for the letter prior to it being sent to new hires, set the permissions for who can edit the offer letter, and indicate who needs to sign the offer letters.
You can preview the letter, save it as a draft, or if you are ready, you may publish it so it may be of use during your hiring process.
While processing job candidates, you may have a few standard workflows that you would like to make sure applicants pass through to adhere to company or HR policies. You may create custom actions and assign people in specific roles to each action.
Navigate to Administration - Workflows.
On this page you can see any existing workflows you set up. To create a new workflow, select the Add a Workflow button on the upper right.
On the screen that appears, enter a name for the workflow, select the status, and select Add A Step.
Describe the step, and select an action from the dropdown. Different actions will have different options, depending on their nature. For instance, if you select Send an Email, you will have the option of selecting an existing email template.
Similarly, If you select Task you will be able to choose between different existing tasks, or you can create a custom task.
You may also add additional actions to associate with this step by selecting +Add Action.
To add another step to your workflow, select Add A Step. Note that each step enables you to create a restricted workflow step by select the key icon.
You can create tasks to use in your hiring process.
To create tasks, navigate to Tasks from the left menu.
Select Create Task on the upper right.
- Select a task name or create a new custom task.
- Specify the job you would like to associate with the task.
- Specify the candidate
- Assign the task to a team member
- Enter the due date and time
- Leave an optional note.
Tasks will then appear in the task menu for the associated team member.
Learn more about Tasks:
You may wish to set up requisitions for staff members to request new positions to be opened. To set this up, first navigate to Administration - Company and select the Requisition Setup tab, and select Enable Requisitions.
Choose whether you would like to require requisitions for all jobs.
Choose whether to make the salary required for requisitions.
Choose whether you would like to automatically assign a requisition number and set the number you wish to start from.
Indicate whether approval is required for requisitions.
Indicate whether you wish to send everyone on the approval list a notification of the new posting.
After doing, after going back to the dashboard, this you will see Requisitions appear on the left navigation menu.
Select Requisitions. You can create a requisition by selecting the Create Requisition button on the right.
This will open the Job Post screen with a popup, requesting relevant information for the requisition.
- Indicate whether the requisition is required
- Requisition number
- Reason for creating the job.
- Number of open positions
- Budget for the position.
- Hiring Manager
- Then create an approval list by dragging and dropping names from the left to the right.
Selecting Done will take you to the Job Post pages.
Job Posts
Job posting is a three-step process divided into separate pages.
On the first page, enter information about the position, including job title, description, address/remote information, job category, compensation, and more. When done, select Save & Continue to Step 2.
On the second page, you can optionally enter pre-screening questions, and allow applicants to submit their answers via video, audio, written answer, or multiple choice. Select Save & Continue to Step 3.
On the third and final page, review the post and if everything is satisfactory, select Publish this Job Post. You can syndicate your job post to Indeed, Facebook Jobs, and more.
Once you have posted the job and have started receiving applicants, you will want to set up some interviews. To manage interviews, navigate to the Jobs page.
From the jobs listed, locate the one you for which you wish to set up an interview, and then in the Action column, select the view icon to open the Jobs page for that job.
You will see a list of applicants for the position.
From the Applicant Tracker column on the left, select the applicant for whom you wish to schedule an interview to display their details.
From the dropdown menu below the applicant’s name, select Schedule Interview. A panel for scheduling the interview opens.
Complete all of the details, including multiple times for the applicant to choose from, and select Send Interview Request. This will send an email to the applicant.
Once the candidate has responded to the request, and selected their preferred date and time, you will receive an email confirming the interview. You may, if you like, sync this to your external calendar application.