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At the end of a time period, after employees have submitted their timesheets, you will need to review them before they are submitted to payroll.
Navigate to Team Management - Team Timesheets using the left menu, and select the All Timesheets tab, and filter for the correct pay period.
Here you can see the people who have submitted hours, their status, the pay period, any scheduled work hours, or issues. You may also customize which columns you wish to include by clicking on the gear icon on the right.
By clicking on the employee’s name, you see their recorded time for the week. How the screen looks will vary depending on the type of time management template assigned to the employee.
Punch-based Time
Here you can see all of the hours that the employee has logged by clocking in and out.
If this employee has missed clocking in or out, you may add them by selecting Add Punch. You may also edit punches for each existing punch in and punch out.
When adding a punch, select whether it is a punch In, Out, Break, or Resume (after the break has finished), enter the date, time, and add any necessary comments. You can also choose to repeat the punch for multiple days.
If there are any missing punches, they will show on the calendar like so:
To fix these, select the arrow next to the missing punch and enter the information like you did when entering the punches.
You can add time off by selecting the Add Time Off button. Choose the Time Off Type, indicate the hours or whether it is for the full day. You can choose to attach any necessary files to this request.
You will be able to see the person’s time off balance on the right, according to the time off policy you have set under the employee’s information. When you are ready, select the Submit button.
You can Force Approve the timesheet if all is correct, or alternately reject it, which will send it back to the employee with a note.
After all timesheets have been approved, you may Prepare for Payroll.
Duration-based Time
If the employee’s template is set to be duration-based, you will see a list of the hours this person has logged. You may edit any of these entries by selecting the individual box for each day and overwriting the information.
To add time off, follow the same procedures as mentioned above under punch- based time.
You can Force Approve the timesheet if all is correct, or alternately reject it, which will send it back to the employee with a note.
After all timesheets have been approved, you may Prepare for Payroll.
In/Out Time
If the timesheet template is set to In/Out, you will see the hours in a table as shown. To edit this timesheet, select the Reopen button, and add hours on the dates necessary.
When editing, you can either change the times from the dropdown
Or you can enter in some new times by choosing + Add In / Out Time. You may enter Work or Break time.
You can Force Approve the timesheet if all is correct, or alternately reject it, which will send it back to the employee with a note.
After all timesheets have been approved, you may Prepare for Payroll.