The Time Punches screen enables you to manage time punches, records when a staff member clocks in and clocks out of a work shift. In this screen, you can edit time punches created by staff in the POS or create time punches to resolve errors or overlooked logging that may have occurred at the POS.
To access the Time Punches screen, log into the Admin Console, select an appropriate account and location. In the Admin Console’s Main Menu, click Location Setup, then click Time Punches.
Staff Member: In this list, select the staff member for whom you area creating the time punch.
Job Type: If the staff member is associated with more than one job type, select the job type for the shift that this time punch will apply to.
Tip Amount: If applicable, enter the amount of the tip that the staff member should receive for this shift.
Clock-In Date: If you select this box, the program will display a calendar panel. In this panel, select the date when the time punch begins.
Clock-In Time: In this box, type the time of day when the time punch begins.
Clock-Out Date: If you select this box, the program will display a calendar panel. In this panel, select the date when the time punch ends.
Clock-Out Time: In this box, type the time of day when the time punch ends.
Breaks Area
The Breaks area includes controls that enable you to add or edit staff breaks in time punch records. In this area, if the click + New, the program will add a new staff break to the Breaks list and display its name, start date, start time, end date, end time, and length in hours and minutes.
To edit an existing staff break, click . To delete an existing staff break from the list, click .
In the Break Type list, select the type of break that you want to add to the time punch.
Based on the type of break you select, the Paid box displays Yes if it is a paid break or No if it is not. When an employee takes a break of this type, the POS will exclude the break’s time from the staff member’s paid time.
The Break Start Date box displays the date when the staff member started the break.
The Break Start Time box displays the time of day when the staff member started the break.
The Break End Date box displays the date when the staff member ended the break.
The Break End Time box displays the time of day when the staff member ended the break.