In the Break Types screen, you can define staff break types, both paid and unpaid. In the POS, when staff members access the Staff Break screen, it will display the breaks defined in this screen as break options.
To access the Break Types screen, log into the Admin Console, select an appropriate account and location. In the Admin Console’s Main Menu, click Location Setup, then click Break Types. In the Break Types screen, click New to create a new break type.
Name: In this box, type a descriptive name for the staff break.
Paid: If you are defining a paid break, select this check box. If you are defining a non-paid break, clear this check box. When an employee takes a break of this type, the POS will exclude the break’s time from the employee’s paid time.
Minimum Length Required (in minutes): In this box, enter the number of minutes that an employee must work before earning access to this staff break. For instance, if you are defining a “10-minute break” that is accessible after two hours of work, type “120” in this box.