The Payment Gateway screen includes controls that enable you to configure the location to use a credit card or gift card processing service. Typically, the processor gives the dealer a VAR sheet to help collect and record the necessary information.
To access the Payment Gateway screen, log into the Admin Console, select an appropriate account and location. In the Admin Console’s Main Menu, click Location Setup, then click Payment Gateway.
In-Store Settings Tab
In the In-Store Settings tab, you can configure the location to use a credit card processing service.
Gateway: In this list, you can select the payment gateway that the location uses (BridgePay or Monetary). If you select Monetary, the program will display the Monetary Credit/Debit Card Boarding panel.
EMV Solution: If the location’s payment gateway supports a swipe device that can read and process EMV cards, select an appropriate solution in this list.
If the gateway does not support an EMV-enabled or PAX devices, select None. If the gateway supports a PAX swipe device, select PAX. If the gateway supports a PAX swipe device, select Monetary TranCloud. (If you do, the program will display the EMV Boarding panel.)
PAX Interface: In this list, select the PAX interface that your location’s service will use, either Legacy (stable) or Heartland SDK.
Portico Direct: Select this check box if the location will process credit card transactions strictly with Heartland. Tips, voids and refunds may be performed more rapidly by using this method. If you select this check box, the program will display the Heartland In-Store Settings tab.
Transaction Method: Select the appropriate transaction method for the location’s service, Auth/Capture or Sale/Adjust.
Gift Card: If the location is using a service to process gift cards, select the service in this list.
Online Settings Tab
In the Online Settings tab, you can configure the Online Ordering website to use the location’s credit card processing service.
Gateway: In this list, you can select the payment gateway that the location uses for processing payments for orders made with the Online Ordering service. If you select Monetary, the program will display the Monetary Credit Card Boarding panel.
Transaction Method: In this list, select the appropriate transaction method for the location’s service, either Auth/Capture or Sale/Adjust.
Heartland Gift: If you select this check box, the program will provide gift card service in the Online Ordering app and also accept and process gift card transactions with PAX terminals inside the store. If you select this check box, the program will display the Heartland Gift Settings panel.
Heartland In-Store Settings Tab
Enter the following information to configure the location to use Portico Direct.
- Site ID: Enter the Site ID.
- License ID: Enter the License ID.
- Device ID: Enter the Device ID.
- Username: Enter the Heartland In-Store username.
- Password: Enter the Heartland In-Store password.
Allow Manual Entry for Credit Cards: If you select this check box, the POS will allow servers to enter credit card numbers manually. In the POS payment screen, the app will display the Card button with ellipses (...). If you press and hold the Card button, the app will open a panel prompting you to enter the credit card number, expiration date, CVV, and ZIP/Postal code.
BridgePay Settings Tab
If your location uses the BridgePay service to perform and process credit card transactions, you can set the following credentials needed to access the service.
Username: Enter your BridgePay username.
Password: Enter your BridgePay password.
Merchant Key: The Merchant Key allows the POS to interact with BridgePay’s reporting service in order to prevent duplicate charges.
Monetary Settings Tab
If your location will use the Monetary service to perform and process credit card transactions, set the following credentials.
Monetary Secret Key: Enter the Monetary Secret Key.
Monetary Public Key: Enter the Monetary Public Key.
Processor: Enter the processor information.
Site ID: Enter the Site ID.
License ID: Enter the License ID.
Device ID: Enter the Device ID.
Username: Enter the Username.
Password: Enter the Password.
MID Category: Select the appropriate MID category.
EMV Boarding Panel
Number of EMV Terminal Lanes: Enter the number of EMV terminal lanes.
Ship TranCloud device to: Enter your location’s mailing address.
Heartland Gift Settings Panel
In this panel, you can configure the location to use a processing service to process gift card transactions.
URL: Enter the URL address.
Username: Enter the Heartland Gift username.
Password: Enter the Heartland Gift password.
Domain: Enter the domain (such as hps).
Chain: Enter the chain information.
Store: Enter the store number.
Monetary Credit Card Boarding Panel
Owner Name: Enter the location owner’s name.
Owner Email: Enter the location’s email address.
Restaurant Name: Enter the location’s name.
Address: Enter the location’s mailing address.
Phone Number: Enter the location’s telephone number.
Website URL: Enter the URL of the location’s website.
eCommerce: Select this check box if the location is required to process online and mobile payments.
TranCloud: Select this check box if the location is required to process EMV payments.
Configured Batch Time: Select this check box if you have established a batch time with the processor.
Processor: Select your processor (such as Heartland).
Site ID: Enter the location’s site ID.
License ID: Enter the License ID.
Device ID: Enter the Device ID.
Username: Enter the username.
Password: Enter the password.
MID Category: Select the appropriate MID category, either Restaurant or Retail.
Heartland Online Boarding Panel
Restaurant Name: Enter the location’s name.
Merchant ID: Enter the location’s merchant ID number.
Street Address: Enter the location’s street address.
City, State, ZIP: Enter the location’s city, state, and ZIP code.
Please Return the Parameter Form to: Enter the name of the dealership where Heartland staff should return the boarding form.
Monetary/Octopi Gift Card Boarding Panel
Owner Name: Enter the location owner’s name.
Owner Email: Enter the location owner’s email address.
Restaurant Name: Enter the location’s name.
Address: Enter the location’s street address.
Phone Number: Enter the location’s phone number.
Website URL: Enter the URL of the location’s website.
Is this a multi-unit merchant?: If the merchant’s account includes multiple locations, click Yes. If the merchant’s account includes only one location, click No.
Is this the master location?: If the merchant’s account does include multiple locations, select Yes in this list if you are setting up gift card service on the account’s master location. If not, select No in this list. (This list only displays if you select Yes in the Is this a multi-unit merchant? list.)
Importing Existing Gift Cards?: Does the location need you to import a set of existing gift cards from another service? If so, select Yes. If not, select No.
Who are you importing gift cards from?: If you do need to import gift cards from another service, enter the name of that gift card service in this box.
Number of Gift Cards: If you do not need to import gift cards from another service, enter the number of gift cards that the location requires in this box.