The Tip Out Types screen enables you to define suggested tip outs and tip pools. In the POS, you can use these tip outs to allocate a percentage of a staff member’s net sales, gross sales, or total tips directly to another staff member of a group tip pool.
You can configure tip out types to be either suggested or automatic. Suggested tip outs will appear on the server checkout with the suggested dollar amount that should be tipped out to each tip out type that has been configured. Automatic tip out types will appear on the server checkout and automatically deduct the total tip out from the total tips that are due to that staff member.
To access the Tip Out Types screen, log into the Admin Console, select an appropriate account and location. In the Admin Console’s Main Menu, click Location Setup, then click Tip Out Types. In the Tip Out Types screen, click New to create a new tip out types.
Name: In this box, type a descriptive name for the tip out type.
Tip Pool: If you select this check box, the POS will apply this tip out type as a pool. In a tip pool, servers allocate tips into a group pool, and later the tips are redistributed to staff members based on their hours worked. If you clear this check box, the POS will not allow you to redistribute tips of this type.
Type: If the tip out type is a tip pool, you can set the type as either Suggested or Automatic. If you select Suggested, the POS will display a suggested tip out amount in the server checkout screen. If you select Automatic, the POS will automatically allocate the tip out amount to the pool.
Job Types: In these lists, you can associate one or more job types with this tip out type. If you select a job type in one of the Job Type lists, the POS will make this tip out type available to staff working in the specified job type.
Percent: In this box, you can enter the percentage amount of the server’s funds that the POS will tip out.
Category: In this list, you can select the category that specifies the specific source of funds from which the POS will draw this tip out.
If you select Net Sales, the POS will tip out a percentage of the staff member’s net sales. If you select Gross Sales, the POS will tip out a percentage of the staff member’s gross sales. If you select Total Tips, the POS will tip out a percentage of the staff member’s total tips.
Report Categories: If you select Gross Sales in the Category list, the program will display the Report Categories list. In this list, you can select one or more specific report categories for this tip out type. If you add report categories to this list, the POS will tip out a percentage of the staff member’s gross sales from only those categories.
Balancing: This list enables you to set how the tips in this tip out type are balanced at the end of the day. If you balance tips out of the current day’s expected cash, select Cash. If you pay tips out on payroll, select Payroll.