The Payout Apportions screen includes controls that enable you to determine how much of each server’s tips and service charge payouts they collect in cash or through payroll. Also in this screen, you can set the POS to withhold a percentage of each server’s tips to cover interchange fees.
To access the Payout Apportions screen, log into the Admin Console, select an appropriate account and location. In the Admin Console’s Main Menu, click Location Setup, then click Payout Apportions.
For each of these five types of transactions, you can set the percentage amount that goes to the server as cash, that goes to the server in payroll, and that is withheld for the merchant.
- Credit Card Tips
- Surcharge Payouts
- Gift Cards
- House Account Tips
- Service Charges
In each of these categories, the three amounts must equal a total amount of 100%. By default, the system sets all of the categories to 100% to Server - Cash.
We recommend locations to set these apportions and publish changes before any staff members begin performing any transactions for the day. Once a tip is apportioned, the system will hold it in that apportioned percentage until its server checks out.
The POS includes the amounts of these apportioned categories in the Server Checkout Report slip.