The Custom Tenders screen includes controls to define custom tender types, such as gift certificates or house accounts.
To access the Custom Tenders screen, log into the Admin Console, select an appropriate account and location. In the Admin Console’s Main Menu, click Location Setup, then click Custom Tenders. In the Custom Tenders screen, click New to create a new custom tenders.
Account Name: In this box, you can enter a descriptive name for the custom tender (such as “Gift Certificate”).
Active: If you select this check box, the tender will be available for use in the POS. If you clear the check box, the tender will not appear as a payment option in the POS.
Account Holder: In this box, you can enter the name of the person who is responsible for payments made with this tender.
Phone: In this box, enter the contact phone number of the account holder.
Email: In this box, enter the contact email address of the account holder.
Card Number or Access Code: You can associate the tender with a card number or access code by entering a number in this box. Later, if you swipe a card with this number or enter the access code at the Tenders screen, the POS will apply this tender to the ticket.
Require Card or Access Code: If you select this check box, then customers must provide the card number or account code to use this tender. If a server selects this tender to pay a ticket, the app will prompt for a card number or account code, entered either by swiping the card or manually entering the code. This check box is only available if you enter a number or code in the Card Number or Access Code box.
House Account: If you select this check box, the app will include sales paid with this tender to house account totals in server checkouts and all sales reports.
Manage Account Balance: If you select this check box, the program will allow you to set a credit limit to the tender. It will also allow customers to make payments to the tender, in part or in whole, at the POS. (This setting is required for tenders associated with Monetary/Datacap Gift accounts.)
Credit Limit: In this box, you can enter an enforced maximum credit limit for this tender. If you enter an amount in this box, the app will only allow a customer to submit an order for carryout service if the ticket’s total is equal or less than this amount. This check box is only available if you select the Manage Account Balance check box.
Tips: If you select this check box, the POS will allow customers to use this tender to add tips to their tickets. When you select this check box, the program will display the following boxes:
- Server – Cash (%):
- Server – Payroll (%):
- Merchant (%):
You can use these boxes to set appropriate tip out percentage amounts for tips of this custom tender. Of the total collected tips of this tender, enter in these boxes what percentage of it should be paid out in cash to servers (Server - Cash), what percentage of it should be paid out to servers as a part of their payroll (Server - Payroll), and what percentage of it should be retained by the merchant (Merchant).
Before you can save this custom tender, these amounts in these three boxes must equal a total amount of 100%.
Signatures: If you select this check box, the POS will allow servers to access the signature capture feature in the POS when paying a ticket with this tender. The POS will also include tip lines when it prints authorization slips for orders paid with this tender.
Open Drawer: If you select this check box, the POS will open the cash drawer when you pay a ticket with this tender.
Require Reference: If you select this check box, the POS will prompt the server to enter a reference (such as a code for a voucher) before accepting the tender as payment.
# Transaction Receipts: This list enables you to set the number of receipts that the POS will print when you pay a ticket with this tender. You can set the POS to print one, two, or no receipts.
Notes: If you need to save any other information about the tender in the record, you can type that information in the Notes box.