The Rooms screen includes controls that enable you to define and configure records for each room in the location.
To access the Rooms screen, log into the Admin Console, select an appropriate account and location. In the Admin Console’s Main Menu, click Location Setup, then click Rooms. In the Rooms screen, click New to create a new room.
Name: In this box, type a descriptive name for the room.
Revenue Center: In this list, you can associate the room with a revenue center. If you select Dine In or To Go, the program will include sales performed in this room with the total sales from all rooms in the “Dine In” or “To Go” revenue center when generating sales reports. If you select None, the program will not include sales performed in this room in the total sales of any revenue center. You can define revenue centers in the Revenue Centers screen.
Type: This list enables you to select the type of room you are configuring. In the POS, different room types feature different sets of controls.
If you are defining a room where customers are not associated to physical tables (such as a bar), select Tab.
If you are defining a room where a host or server assigns customers to tables, select Table Layout. (If you select Table Layout, the Room Layout controls will appear in the bottom of this window.)
If the room is a space where a dispatcher or server assigns orders to delivery drivers, select Delivery.
Default Ticket Screen: In this list, you can select the type of ticket screen that the POS displays when you access the room. If you select Menu Items, the POS will display a ticket screen with a panel containing buttons representing menu items. If you select Ticket Info, the POS will display a ticket screen with a panel displaying the ticket’s information.
Auto Exit Paid Tickets: This list enables you to set the POS to automatically exit the screen after paying a ticket. If you select Off, the POS will not exit the screen. If you select Immediately, the POS will exit the screen immediately after it’s paid. If you select After 1 second delay, the POS will exit the screen after a delay of one second. If you select After (2, 3, 4, or 5) second delay, the POS will exit the screen after a delay of two, three, four, or five seconds.
Send Ticket Behavior: This list enables you to set the POS to automatically open a new ticket after certain events, such as sending a ticket. If you select None, the POS will not open a new ticket. If you select Start New Ticket on Send, the POS will automatically open a new ticket after you send a ticket. If you select Start New Ticket on Tender, the POS will automatically open a new ticket after you pay a ticket in the Tender screen. If you select Start New Ticket on Send and Tender, the POS will automatically open a new ticket after you either send a ticket or pay a ticket in the Tender screen. If you select Logout on Send, the POS will automatically log out after you send a ticket.
Fast Cash: If you select this check box, the POS will include the Fast Cash payment option in its ticket screen. In the Ticket screen, if you tap Fast Cash, the POS will immediately pay the ticket with the cash receipt without accessing the Checkout screen.
# Credit Card Receipts: This list enables you to set the number of receipts that the POS will print when a customer uses a credit card or house account to pay a ticket opened in this room. If you select “0”, the POS will not print a receipt. If you select “1” or “2”, the POS will print one or two copies of the receipt.
# Cash Receipts: This control enables you to set the POS to print one, two, or no copies of the receipt when a customer uses cash to pay a ticket opened in this room. If you select “0”, the POS will not print a receipt. If you select “1” or “2”, the POS will print one or two copies of the receipt.
QR Code: The list enables you to set the POS to print a QR code on guest tickets and transaction receipts for use with the Guest app. You should enable this feature for any location using the Guest app, as it allows customers to scan their tickets and receipts.
If you select Disabled, the POS will not include a QR code on printed tickets. If you select Ticket Lookup, the POS will print a QR code representing the ticket number. This will enable staff to scan the code with a front camera to find tickets.
If you select Scan to Pay, the POS will print a QR code that the guest can scan with the Guest app to pay the ticket.
If you select Scan for Points, the POS will print a QR code that the guest can scan on the Guest app to redeem points for loyalty.
If you select Scan to Pay and Scan for Points, the POS will print a QR code that that customers can use to pay a ticket or redeem loyalty points with the Guest app. This option also enables ticket lookup.
Also, after opening a ticket and sending the order, you can add a customer’s contact information, including the number of the customer’s cell phone. After entering and saving this information, if you click , the POS will send an SMS text message to the customer, with a link to the payment website. Upon receiving the message, the customer can tap the link and finish performing the QR payment.
Fixed Tip Suggestions: If you select this check box, the POS will display suggested tip amounts in the Sign and Tip screen as fixed dollar amounts. If you clear this check box, the POS will display suggested tip amounts as percentage amounts.
Suggested Tip Amounts: In these boxes, you can set the amounts of three suggested tip amounts. The POS will display these three amounts as suggested tip options in the Sign and Tip screen.
Universal Modifier: If you type a word or phrase in this box (such as “To Go”), the POS will include it as a modifier option in the POS Menu screen. If a server applies it to a menu item, the POS will add the text to the item’s description in the KDS display and kitchen slips, but not on guest tickets, receipts, or reports.
Seat Caption Override: If you enter a word in this box, the POS will replace “Seat” with this word when displaying seat numbers in the app or in printed slips.
Surcharge Amount: This box enables you to set the POS to add a surcharge to tickets opened in this room. Select $ if the surcharge amount is a flat dollar amount. Select % if the surcharge amount is a percentage of the ticket’s total.
Kitchen Display Warn Minutes: This box allows you to enter a period of time, in minutes, before displaying a warning in the kitchen display that a ticket is approaching its late time. For each ticket in the kitchen display, the POS will change its background color to yellow after that number of minutes has expired.
Kitchen Display Late Minutes: This box allows you to enter a period of time, in minutes, before displaying a warning in the kitchen display that a ticket has reached its late time. For each ticket in the kitchen display, the POS will change its background color to red after that number of minutes has expired.
Auto Close Paid Tickets: This list enables you to set the POS to automatically close a ticket after it is paid. If you select None, the POS will not automatically close any tickets after they are paid. If you select All, the POS will close all tickets after they are paid. If you select All, except Credit Cards, the POS will close all tickets except those paid with credit card tenders after they are paid.
Hide Credit Card Tips: If you select this check box, the POS will not include a line for tips on printed credit card receipts.
Separate Kitchen Slips: If you select this check box, the POS will split up kitchen slips by seat number when sending them to the prep printers. For this function to work, you must set the display formats receiving the prep slips to separate kitchen slips (in the Display Formats screen, using the Separate Kitchen Slips list).
Detailed Transaction Receipts: If you select this check box, the POS will include each order’s itemized details on printed receipts for credit card and house account transactions from this room.
Print Transaction Receipts When Declined or on Error: If you select this check box, the POS will print a receipt for every credit card transaction, including the ones that are declined (or otherwise not approved).
Print Room Name in Red (Impact Printer): This check box enables you to set the POS to print the names of specific rooms in red print on prep tickets. If you select the Print Room Name in Red check box, the POS will print the room’s name in red text when printing the name on prep tickets that include orders for tables in that room. This setting only applies to Impact printers.
For this setting to apply, you must set the display format to display room names. (In the Display Formats screen, in the Show Room Name list, select Show.)
Print Guest Info: This list enables you to set the POS to print customer vehicle information on kitchen slips or customer receipts. In this list, if you select Customer Receipt, the POS will include the customer’s information on printed customer receipts. If you select Kitchen Slips, the POS will include the customer’s information on printed kitchen slips. If you select Both, the POS will include the customer’s information on customer receipts and kitchen slips.
If a customer’s information includes any vehicle information (such as make, model, or color), the POS will print the vehicle information with the customer’s name and other information.
Auto Present Signature Screen: If you select this check box, the POS will automatically display the signature capture screen after a customer pays a ticket with a credit card tender.
Ignore Guest Display: If you select this check box, the POS will not display a ticket’s order information on the paired guest display (if any).
Require Guest #: If you select this check box, the POS will prompt for a guest number when you open a new ticket.
Require Guest Name: If you select this check box, the POS will prompt for a guest name when you open a new ticket.
Require Phone: If you select this check box, the POS will prompt for a customer’s phone number when you open a new ticket.
Guest Feedback Message: If you enter a phrase in this box, the POS will display it as a message in the Sign and Tip screen, prompting customers to provide a rating of their visit. The default message is “Give us feedback!”
Post Signature Message: If you enter a phrase in this box, the POS will display it as a message in the Sign and Tip screen after guests complete their transaction. The default message is “Thank you!”
Override Taxability for Tax Inclusive Items: This list enables you to set the POS to override the taxability status of tax inclusive menu items. If you select Off, the POS will not override the status of any tax inclusive items. If you select Taxable if any other items are taxable, the POS will override the status of any tax inclusive items only if the ticket includes any taxable items. If you select Always taxable, the POS will override the status of all tax inclusive items on the ticket.
Default Menu Group: In this list, you can select a default menu group for the room. When you open a ticket in this room, the POS will automatically display buttons for the items I this group. You can create menu groups in the Menu Groups screen.
Room Discounts & Charges: This list enables you to associate the room with one or more discounts or charges. If you add a discount or charge to this list, the POS will automatically apply it to every ticket you open within this room. To delete an existing discount or charge from the list, click its Delete button.
Pricing: This list enables you to associate the room with one or more pricing rules. If you add a pricing rule to this list, the POS will automatically apply it to every ticket you open within this room. You can create pricing rule in the Pricing Rules screen. To delete an existing pricing rule from the list, click its Delete button.
Taxes: This list enables you to associate the room with one or more taxes. If you add a tax to this list, the POS will automatically apply that tax to every ticket you open within this room.
To associate the room with an automatic tax, click the Create or Select a Tax list and select an appropriate tax. This list includes all of the taxes you have created in the Taxes screen.
When you add a tax to the list, it includes an accompanying Rate box. If you enter a tax rate in the Rate box and then select the Override check box, the POS will override the tax’s default rate when it adds this tax to a ticket and use this rate instead.
When you add a tax to the list, it also includes an accompanying Add Tags list. In this list, if you select one or more tags, the program will display those tags in the POS with this tax.
To delete an existing tax from the list, click its Delete button.
For a detailed description of how to set up room-level taxes, review our “Tax Setup Guide“.
Pre-Auth Amount: In this box, enter an appropriate amount for credit card pre-authorizations. When a credit card tab is opened, the POS will immediately pre-authorize the card for the amount you enter in this box. Later, when the ticket is paid, the POS will authorize the card for its final amount, whether the amount is higher or lower than the pre-authorized amount.
Additional Auth Increment Amount: In this box, enter an appropriate amount for added incremental credit card pre-authorizations.
After its card is pre-authorized, if a ticket’s total eventual exceeds the card’s pre-authorized amount, the POS will pre-authorize the card again for an additional amount, and it will do this every time the ticket’s total surpasses the pre-authorized amount.
For instance, you might set the Pre-Auth Amount to $20, and then set the Additional Auth Increment Amount to $50. In the POS, when you open a ticket with a new credit card tab, the POS will pre-authorize the card for $20. If, after adding items to the ticket, the total exceeds $20, the POS will then pre-authorize the card for a maximum of $50. If you then add enough new items that the total exceeds $50, the POS will then pre-authorize the card for a total of $100.
Show Grid: If you select this check box, the program will display a grid in the Room Layout panel. You can use the grid to help create better looking layouts in the Room Layout panel.
Snap to Grid: If you select this check box, the program will automatically snap elements in the Room Layout panel to its gridlines.
Room Layout Area
This area includes controls that enable you to create a graphical layout of the room. Using these controls, you can create a floor plan with tables and other objects that resembles the layout of the actual physical room that this record represents. The Room Layout area is only visible if you select Table Layout in the Type list.
This area includes four groups of elements: Floors, Tables, Symbols, and Shapes.
If you select Floors, the program will display a variety of tile options. If you click a tile, the program will fill the floor of the layout panel with the selected tile.
If you select Tables, the program will display a variety of table options, in various sizes, shapes, angles and cover counts. If you click a table, the program will that table icon to the room layout. After adding a table, you can click and drag the table to an appropriate position in the layout. When you add a table, the program gives the table a unique number. You can change a table’s number by selecting the table and then entering a new number in the Selection Name box.
If you select Symbols, the program will display a variety of symbols representing objects other than tables, such as entrances, exits, and plants. If you click a symbol, the program will that symbol icon to the room layout. You can then click and drag the symbol to an appropriate position in the layout.
If you select Shapes, the program will display a square and a circle as shape options. If you click one of these shapes, the program will that shape to the room layout. The shape will include nodes that enable you to change its size and shape. By clicking and moving the nodes, you can adjust the size and angle of a rectangular or circular shape. After adjusting a shape, you can click and drag the shape to an appropriate position in the layout.
To remove any of these elements from the room layout, select the element and then click Remove Selection.