The App Ordering screen includes controls that enable you to configure the ordering options and behavior of the Skip the Line and Kiosk services.
To access the App Ordering screen, log into the Admin Console, select an appropriate account and location. In the Admin Console’s Main Menu, click Location Setup, then click App Ordering.
General Tab
The controls on the General tab enable you to apply settings that influence both the Skip the Line and Kiosk services.
App Settings Area
You can use the controls in this area to set the general appearance of the Skip the Line and Kiosk apps.
Set Logo: This box enables you to set a logo graphic, which the Skip the Line and Kiosk apps will display. If you click the Set Logo box, the program opens the Set Logo window, displaying the location’s collection of uploaded graphic files. To add a new graphic to the collection, click Upload New Image. The program will open a browser window, allowing you to find and select a graphic on the network. After uploading the graphic to the collection, you can then select it, and the Skip the Line and Kiosk apps will display it as the location’s logo.
Set Banner: This box enables you to upload a graphic that the Skip the Line and Kiosk apps will display as a background banner. If you click the Set Logo box, the program opens the Set Banner window, displaying the location’s collection of uploaded graphic files. To add a new graphic to the collection, click Upload New Image. The program will open a browser window, allowing you to find and select a graphic on the network. After uploading the graphic to the collection, you can then select it, and the Skip the Line and Kiosk apps will display it as a background banner.
Assigned Tablet: In this list, select the device that will receive and process all Skip the Line and Kiosk orders.
Primary Color: If you click this box, the program will open a color selection panel. In this panel, if you select a color, the Skip the Line and Kiosk apps will use that color as the primary color in its Log In and other screens.
Send Tickets Unassigned: If you select this check box, the POS will not automatically assign a server to newly received tickets. Rather, the POS will assign the ticket to the last server to access and save changes to the ticket.
Auto Close Tickets: If you select this check box, the POS will automatically close tickets from the Skip the Line or Kiosk services when they are paid in full.
Auto Close eGift Tickets: If you select this check box, when a customer orders an eGift in Kiosk, the app will automatically close the ticket after it is paid and immediately send the eGift to the customer’s email address. If you clear this check box, the apps will not send the eGift to the customer until a staff member closes the ticket manually.
This setting will also automatically close eGift tickets made with the Guest app. To purchase an eGift card in the Guest app, a customer must first use the Explore function, locate an appropriate restaurant, and tap Order Now.
Carryout Enabled: If you select this check box, the apps will display controls to designate orders for carryout service.
Carryout Room: In this list, you can select a room for carryout orders. The POS will associate all carryout orders and sales with this room.
Eat In Enabled: If you select this check box, the apps will display controls to designate orders for eat-in service.
Eat In Room: In this list, you can select a room for eat-in orders. The POS will associate all eat-in orders and sales with this room.
Slide Show Images Area
You can use the controls in this area to configure the POS slide show. The Slide Show Images area includes three Set Ad boxes. Each Set Ad box enables you to add a graphic to the POS slide show. If you click the Set Ad box, the program opens the Set Ad window, displaying the location’s collection of uploaded graphic files. To add a new graphic to the collection, click Upload New Image. The program will open a browser window, allowing you to find and select a graphic on the network. After uploading the graphic to the collection, you can then select it.
Ad Duration in Seconds: In this box, enter the number of seconds that the POS should wait before changing each slide.
Menu & Hours Area
You can use the controls in the Menu & Hours area to designate the days of the week and times of each day when the items of specific menu groups are available for purchase in the Skip the Line and Kiosk apps. If you click + New, the program will add one set of controls to the area. You can use these controls to set the availability time for one menu group. You can add multiple menu groups (with separate start and end times) to a single week, or you can add multiple weeks, each with different menu groups.
By selecting one or more of the day buttons, you can designate which days of the week the items in the menu groups are displayed in the menu screens.
In the Menu Group list, select the menu group whose items you want to make available during the selected days of the week.
In the Upsell Group list, you can associate a menu group with an appropriate upsell group. When a customer orders an item in this menu group, the Skip the Line and Kiosk apps will apply the rules set in the upsell group.
In the Start Time and End Time boxes, you can set the time range within each day that the items in the main group are available in the Skip the Line and Kiosk apps. When servers order items in this menu group, the Skip the Line and Kiosk apps will only display controls for delivery service within the time range you set here. By setting a start time and end time, you set the time range during each selected day that the items in the menu groups are displayed in the Skip the Line and Kiosk menu screens.
Skip the Line Tab
The controls on the Skip the Line tab enable you to configure the Skip the Line service.
Skip the Line Enabled: If you select this check box, the program will enable the Skip the Line features for the location. The program will make the controls for configuring Skip the Line available, and the apps will include controls to allow customers to place Skip the Line orders.
Ticket Prefix: If you type a word or phrase in this box, the app will print it at the top of any ticket for orders made through the Skip the Line service.
Allow Credit: If you select this check box, the app will display payment options to allow customers to pay for the order with credit cards.
Allow Gift: If you select this check box, the app will display payment options to allow customers to pay for the order with gift cards.
Allow Pay in Person: If you select this check box, the app will display payment options to allow customers to pay for the order “in person.” The app will print a slip, which the customer can then take to a cashier, who will accept payment directly from the customer.
Kiosk Tab
The controls on the Kiosk tab enable you to configure the Kiosk app.
Kiosk Enabled: If you select this check box, the program will enable the Kiosk features for the location. The program will make the controls for configuring the Kiosk available, and the apps will include controls to allow customers to place Kiosk orders.
Ticket Prefix: If you type a word or phrase in this box, the app will print it at the top of any ticket for orders made with Kiosk.
Require Guest Locator Number for Carryout Orders: If you select this check box, Kiosk will require customers to enter a locator number before allowing them to place a carryout order.
Require Guest Locator Number for Eat In Orders: If you select this check box, Kiosk will require customers to enter a locator number before allowing them to place an order for dine-in service.
Enable Order History: If you select this check box, Kiosk will provide customers the option of entering a phone number and reordering a recent order from the customer’s order history.
Allow Credit: If you select this check box, the app will display payment options to allow customers to pay for the order with credit cards.
Allow Gift: If you select this check box, the app will display payment options to allow customers to pay for the order with gift cards.
Allow Pay in Person: If you select this check box, the app will display payment options to allow customers to pay for the order “in person.” The app will print a slip, which the customer can then take to a cashier, who will accept payment directly from the customer.
Kiosk Language Options: These options enable you to set the Kiosk to display a prompt screen with multiple language options when customers use the app.
If you select the Canadian French or Spanish options, the Kiosk app will display the selected languages as options when a customer uses the app. For instance, if you select all three language options, the Kiosk will display a screen with buttons representing each of those available language options. To view the Kiosk interface in a different language, customers can tap the button for a different language and then tap Begin Order.
English is the default language used by the Kiosk app. If you want to set the Kiosk to use a different language as its default, click the Make Default button next to the Canadian French or Spanish check box.