Como loyalty customers can now log into their accounts and review their reward balances from the POS Customer Display screen while idle or during checkout.
When a customer taps Sign in, the POS displays a Verify your code screen, prompting the customer to enter a four-digit code. The customer can retrieve the code from the Como app on their smart device, if that have it installed, or they can choose to receive a code by email or SMS text message.
When Get code by email is selected, a screen prompts to enter the email address. Enter the email address for the Loyalty account that the customer provides, then tap Send Code. The program sends a verification code to the email address entered. To choose a different method of receiving a code, tap Get code by Como App or Get code by SMS.
When Get code by SMS is selected, the POS displays a screen prompting for a phone number. Enter the cell phone number associated with the Loyalty account as provided by the customer, then tap Send Code. The program sends a valid code via text message to the phone number entered. To choose a different method of receiving a code, tap Get code by Como App or Get code by Email.
Once the customer receives a valid code, they can enter the four-digit code on the Customer Display screen, and then tap Verify. The POS verifies the code, and then displays a Thank you for signing in! screen that include their current reward balance. (Tap Done to return to the Customer Display's idle screen.)