To assign permissions to group members, you can manage this from your Company Profile, by selecting your name, and choosing “Company Profile.”
Then select “Team” on the left, and then “Configure Default Permissions” on the upper right:
Here you can see a list of the different permissions that you can assign to individual Team Members.
By Default, all Administrators will have access to all of these functions. By selecting these, you may configure the default permissions for all employees.
Below we will define each of these permissions and what they mean. Each element below can be selected with a checkbox, for each employee.
View Internal Job Data (e.g Compensation, Benefits)
This allows viewing any and all job data for all open positions, including salary, benefits, etc. Users with this access can see current candidates, including those in process, on hold, and hired. Applicants provided information, such as resumes, contact information, and more can be viewed.
Create Job Postings
This enables the creation of new job postings.
Edit Job Postings
This enables editing any information within the job postings.
Edit Application Forms
Those with access to this have the ability to update any application forms, and to be able to update any information contained within them.
Rank Candidates
Each candidate may be assigned a rating during hiring. Users with this access can add a ranking to any job applicants for the purpose of making a hiring decision.
Edit Workflows
This gives the ability to construct, create, and edit hiring workflows for guiding the application process.
Edit Email Templates
This enables the employee to access, and edit any internal email templates, including those for internal employees and also those for potential employment candidates.
Edit Rating Templates
This enables users to be able to create and edit Rating templates, for creating criteria for rating candidates.
View messages to candidates from other team members
This allows access to any internal messages within the system to any candidate, found under the Messages section of the Hiring Dashboard.
Download Candidate's Application Form
Employees with this permission are able to download the candidate’s application form and resume in PDF format.
Access Candidate Database
This enables employees to access the database of all potential hires.
Run Reports
This enables access to viewing reports about the applicants, and to be able to create custom reports.
Access to Tax Credits/WOTC
WOTC is a federal program that provides employers up to $9,600 in tax credits per eligible new hire. Users with access to WOTC have ability to access information about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit.
Individual access is available for the following activities:
Sign POA
This enables the user to sign the Power of Attorney Letter
Submit WOTC Order
This provides access to be able to submit an application for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit.
View Open Cases
This provides the ability to view any open WOTC cases.
View Reports
Enables the employee to view a report of any earned WOTC credits, potential earned credits, and detail about the employee, target group, hours worked, wages earned, credits earned, and potential credits
Upload Payroll Data
Provides the ability to upload payroll data.
View Potential Tax Credits
Enables viewing any potential tax credits as a result of WOTC.
Access to Onboarding
Access to this section allows viewing and editing of information regarding the onboarding of new employees.
Manage Onboarding
Allows managing the onboarding process, including creating and editing items, entering salary data, and sending an onboarding letter.
View Employee Data
Provides ability to see individual employee data. This includes
- Personal Information
- Emergency Contact
- Form I-9
- Payroll Information
- Contact Information
- WOTC Screening data
- Form W-4
- Eligibility Verification Documents
I-9 Verification
Allows ability to upload I-9 verification information.
View offer letter and pay rate
Provides access to the ability to see the offer letter given to new employees, and their current rate of pay.
Onboard New Employee
Provides ability to add new employees to the system.
Add or remove documents in the new hire onboarding package.
Functionality becomes available to upload or delete any documents associated with the onboarding process.
Upload Employee
Ability to bulk upload employee data. Go to View Employees and choose the Upload link:
Terminate Employee
Provides access to be able to terminate employees from the system.
Allows access to e-verification documentation, and ability to validate employee identifications information.
Background Check
Provides authority to perform and approve background checks of new hires.
Provide Onboarding Assistance
Ability to login as an employee to be able to provide active assistance to new hires.