MerchantView is the hub of your Bill Pay payments ecosystem, and through this web-based portal you can create one-time reports, schedule reports to run automatically, search transaction history, and create transaction data file exports through a single interface. This section of the Bill Pay User Guide describes the tasks associated with Reporting Management.
Users who are assigned the Cashier, Cashier Plus, or Advanced Cashier roles are limited to the End of Day report that details the transactions processed by their individual user account.
Available Transaction Reports
The following reports are available through MerchantView:
MerchantView Reports | |
Report Name | Report Description |
Pay by Merchant | Details the total payments and transaction activity for the selected merchant accounts. |
Pay by Channel |
Provides transaction data for one or more merchants by Payment Channel. A Payment Channel describes the system used to process the payment, such as Web, IVR, Virtual Terminal or MerchantView. |
Pay by Date | Returns the total payments and transactions by date or date range for a single merchant |
Pay by Method |
Shows total payments and transactions by the payment method for a single merchant. Payment Method reers to the payment instrument used, such as a branded credit card or bank account. |
Pay by Batch | Provides the total payments and transactions by batch for one or more merchants. |
Pay by Bill Type |
Details the total payments and transactions by Bill Type for a single merchant. A Bill Type refers to the kind of payment, such as Property Tax, Utility Bill or Rent. |
Bill Detail |
Shows full bill details, including all Custom Data Elements, for payments made in the selected date range for a single merchant. |
Bill Type Summary | Returns a payment summary for one or more merchants by Bill Type. |
Merchant Summary | Provides a summary of the total payments for one or more merchants. |
Void Refund Return |
Details all payment voids, refunds, and returned items by date or date range for one or more merchants. |
ACH Processing |
Shows changes in the status of ACH (Automated Clearing House) payments for one or more merchants. |
ACH Deposits and Charges | Displays the deposits and charges related to ACH transactions for one or more merchants. |
End of Day |
Reporting/Admin Roles: Returns summary details of transactions for one or more merchants and one or more Virtual Terminal user accounts. The date range is limited to the most recent five (5) days.
Virtual Terminal Roles: The only report accessible to all Virtual Terminal roles, it returns summary detail of transactions for one or more merchants associated with an individual user role. This is limited to the most recent five (5) days. |
Failed Transactions by Date |
Provides failed tranaction activity for one or more merchants by date within a date range. |
Privileged User Action | Shows administrative actions—such as adding or editing user accounts—performed by Administrative level users. |
Transaction Detail |
Returns the transaction, authorization, bill detail, and history information for a single transaction. A valid Transaction ID is required to run the report |
Report Parameters
All MerchantView reports include many editable parameters, allowing you to customize each report to return only the data you need. The following list of parameters are editable within MerchantView, but not all parameters can be edited on every report.
MerchantView Report Parameters | |
Parameter Name | Parameter Description |
(1) Merchant |
A selectable list of merchants associated with your Bill Pay User Account. Some reports are limited to a single merchant, while other reports allow one or more merchants to be selected. |
(2) Time Zone |
A selectable list of U.S. Time Zones. The selected value will be used when displaying the transaction time within a report. |
(3) Start Date |
Editable field for inputting the start date of a date range for a specific report. Transactions that occurred after the selected date will not appear in the report. |
(4) End Date |
Editable field for inputting the end date of a date range for a specific report. Transactions that occurred after the selected date will not appear in the report. |
(5) Start Time |
Editable field for inputting the start time for a specific report. Transactions that occured before the selected time will not appear in the report. |
(6) End Time |
Editable field for inputting the end time for a specific report. Transactions that occurred after the selected time will not appear in the report. |
(7) Payment Method |
A selectable list of Payment Methods that can be displayed on a specific report. To report on a certain Payment Method, such as Visa Credit, select only that item from the list. |
(8) Channel |
A selectable list of Payment Channels that can be displayed on a specific report. A Payment Channel refers to the system used during a transaction such as Web, IVR, Virtual Terminal, or MerchantView. |
(9) Cashier |
A selectable list of Bill Pay User Accounts to include in a specific report. One or more User Accounts can be selected from the list, or all users can be included. |
(10) Run as Summary |
A check box that returns only Report Summary data and not individual transactions. This option can reduce the report generation time and is useful when only high-level data is needed. |
Generating a Report
- Log into MerchantView with your unique username and password.
- On the Reporting Tab, click the desired report from the list on the main menu.
- Configure the Report Parameters to return the needed data.
Search tips: For a successful search, it is necessary to enter a start and end date that will encompass the transaction for which you are searching.
The start and end dates cannot be the same day. When searching a single date, your start date should be the date of the transaction and the end date should be the following day. (Example: To search for January 7th, 2021 your start date should be 1/7/2021 and end date should be 1/8/2021.)
- Click Submit.
Saving a Report
MerchantView enables you to save a report as any of the following common file types:
Available Saved Report File Types | |
File Type | File Type Description |
Portable Document Format | |
XLS | Microsoft spreadsheet file (Excel versions before 2007) |
XLSX | Microsoft Open XML spreadsheet file (Excel 2007 and later) |
RTF | Microsoft Office Rich Text Format |
MHT | Archived Web Page file (typically opens with Ingernet Explorer) |
HTML | Hyper Text Markup Language (web page) |
TXT | Simple text-only file (no graphics) |
CSV | Comma-Separated Values (text-only; similar to a spreadsheet file) |
PNG | Portable Network Graphics file (static image) |
To save a report as any of the available file formats:
Generate a report.
- After the report is created, select the drop-down list in the top right-hand corner and select the desired file type.
- Select the Save icon.
Scheduled Report Parameters
Scheduling a report is a useful feature when there are reports you need on a recurring basis. The scheduling feature eliminates the need to log into MerchantView and generate the report manually. Any of the MerchantView standard reports can be scheduled to run automatically and delivered to you.
In addition to the normal Report Parameters, there are a few additional fields that must be configured when scheduling a report. The additional Scheduled Report Parameters are:
- Delivery Method: Select the delivery method of your report from Email or SFTP. (SFTP requires additional information from your network administrator. See the SFTP setup for full details.)
- Export Type: From the available list, select the type of file you want for your report. The available types are PDF, Excel, CSV, and HTML.
- Deliver To: If you selected Email as your delivery method, enter one or more email addresses into this field. Separate address with a semi-colon (;).
- Schedule Start Date: Use the Calendar to select a Start Date for your Scheduled Report.
- Schedule End Date: Use the Calendar to select an End Date for your Scheduled Report.
- Report Start Time: Enter a time for your Schedule Report to begin.
- Hours: Enter the duration, in hours, for your Scheduled Report.
- Schedule Type: Select the recurring schedule for your report.
Additional SFTP Parameters
To schedule a report with SFTP delivery, the following settings are required. You may need to contact your network administrator to complete this portion of the Scheduled Report Parameters screen. Required settings vary based on the method selected for User Authentication (both shown below).
User Password Authentication Method
- User Authentication: Select User Password Authentication from the drop-down menu.
- SFTP Server: Enter the SFTP server that will receive the report.
- Port: If using a non-standard SFTP configuration, enter the Port Number (22 is the default).
- Username: Provide the SFTP username required (this is not your Bill Pay username).
- Password: Provider the password for the SFTP server (this is not your Bill Pay password).
RSA Key Method

- User Authentication: Select RSA Key from the drop-down menu.
- SFTP Server: Enter the SFTP server that will receive the report.
- Port: If using a non-standard SFTP configuration, enter the Port Number (22 is the default).
- Username: Provide the SFTP username required (this is not your Bill Pay user- name).
- Key File: Click Choose File and select the RSA Key file associated with your SFTP site.
- Key Passphrase: Enter the encryption passphrase.
Schedule a Report
To schedule a report, complete the following steps:
- Log into MerchantView with your unique username and password.
- Click the Reporting tab and select Report Scheduling from the drop-down menu.
- From the list of standard reports, choose the name of the report you want to schedule.
- Configure the Scheduled Report Parameters to return the desired data.
- Click Submit. MerchantView will return a success or error message.
Please reach out to your Heartland Representative to help setup SFTP Reporting.
View Scheduled Report Details and History
At any time, you can review the details and history of any Scheduled Report associated with your user account. To view this information, complete the following steps:
- Log into MerchantView with your unique username and password.
- Click the Reporting tab and select Report Scheduling from the drop-down menu.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Scheduled Reports page to find a list of Scheduled Reports associated with your Bill Pay username.
- Click the Select button for the report you want to view.
- On the Scheduled Report Details page, click the arrows on the right-hand side of the screen to expand the Report Details and Report History frames.
- The Details box shows all of the configured Parameters for your report.
- The History box provides delivery details. If an error occurred during a specific instance of the report, it is noted in the Error Message column.
From the Scheduled Report Details screen, you can also edit or delete a Scheduled Report.
Edit or Delete a Scheduled Report
To change the selected parameters of a Scheduled Report or to delete a scheduled report, complete the following steps.
- Log into MerchantView with your unique username and password.
- Click the Reporting tab and select Report Scheduling from the drop-down menu.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Scheduled Reports page to find a list of Scheduled Reports associated with your Bill Pay username.
- Click the Select button for the report you want to edit or delete.
- To edit a report:
- Click Edit Scheduled Report. The Report Parameters page will open
- Make the necessary changes to your Scheduled Report.
- Click Submit.
To permanently delete a report:
- Click Delete Scheduled Report.
- You will be asked to confirm the deletion request. If you are sure you want to permanently delete the Scheduled Report, click Delete.
Available Report Export Files
To select and export transaction data from MerchantView, use the Exports section on the main Reporting tab, located below the list of reports.
Report Export Parameters
Similar to MerchantView reports, all export files include many editable parameters, allowing you to customize each export to return only the data you need. The editable Export Parameters are the same as those available for reports, with the following additions:
- Transaction Type: Selectable list of Transaction Types to show in the export, including Payment, Reversal, Return, Void, etc. The default setting is to return all transaction types.
- Export Configuration: Drop-down list of preset Export File Configurations. By using the Report Configuration feature in MerchantView, users can edit the data fields shown and the order of appearance in a Report Export. The available standard Export Configurations are:
- All Fields – CSV Format
- All Fields – XMS Format
Generating an Export File
Users who are assigned the Cashier, Cashier Plus, or Advanced Cashier roles do not have the ability to export report data.
To generate an export file, complete the following steps:
- Log into MerchantView with your unique username and password. On the main Reporting tab, the Exports section is located below the list of standard reports.
- Click the name of the desired export from the available list.
- Configure the Report Export Parameters to return the required data.
- Click Submit.
- When the export is complete, the file should begin to download unless your web browser settings are configured to block pop-ups. If the file does not automatically start, click the Download File link.
If the export returns no data, a message will direct you to expand your search. To do this, click the Report Parameters link at the top of the page to try again.
Create a New File Export Configuration
When you need to customize the data returned in a file export, create a custom configuration by following these steps:
- Log into MerchantView with your unique username and password.
- Click the Reporting tab drop-down and select Reporting Configuration.
- On the Export File Configuration screen, select the standard File Export Type you would like to modify from the first drop-down list. Your custom configuration will be linked with this standard export.
- Select New Configuration from the second drop-down list.
- In the Available Export Fields list, on the left-hand side of the screen, select the data fields you would like in your report. To select more than one item at a time, hold the Ctrl button and click your additional selections.
- Click the on-screen Right Arrow to add the fields to your Export File Configuration list—these are the data fields that will be included in your custom export. To add all the items, click the right double-arrow. Continue until all fields are added to your Selected Fields list on the right-hand side of the screen.
- Use the on-screen left arrow to remove any fields from your selected list.
- Using the on-screen up and down arrows, organize your Selected Fields list in the order you want to see it displayed in the export. Items at the top of the list will appear first in the file.
- Name the custom configuration by typing into the Configuration Name field and choose a date time format.
- Click Save.
- A success message will appear at the bottom of the screen.
Use a Saved File Export Configuration
To use any saved File Export Configuration associated with your user account, complete the following simple steps:
- Log into MerchantView using your unique username and password.
- Click the Reporting tab and select Report Selection from the drop-down list.
- Click the name of the standard File Export Type that is associated with the custom file configuration you would like to use.
- Edit the Report Parameters as needed.
- In the Export Configuration drop-down list, select the name of your Custom File Configuration.
- Click Submit.
Schedule a File Export
Scheduling a file export is similar to how you schedule a report. Export files can be scheduled to run automatically and delivered to your email or an SFTP site. To schedule an export file, follow these steps:
- Log into MerchantView with your unique username and password.
- Click the Reporting tab and select Report Scheduling from the drop-down menu.
- From the list of exports, click the name of Export File Type you want to schedule.
- Configure the File Export Parameters to return the data you desire. If you want to deliver the report to an SFTP site, be sure to review the SFTP Parameters that could require information from your Network Administrator.
- Select the Schedule Type for your export.
- From the drop-down list, select the Export Configuration. To create a custom configuration, click Configure Export Fields.
- When finished, click Submit.
Edit or Delete a Scheduled File Export
To change the selected parameters or permanently delete a scheduled file export, complete the following steps:
- Log into MerchantView with your unique username and password.
- Click the Reporting tab and select Report Scheduling from the drop-down menu.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Scheduled Reports page to find a list of scheduled reports and file exports associated with your Bill Pay username. “Export” will appear in the Report Name column.
- Click the Select linkfor the file export you want to edit or delete.
- To edit an export:
- Click Edit Scheduled Report. The Report Parameters page will open.
- Make the necessary changes to your Scheduled Report.
- Click Submit.
To permanently delete a report:
- Click Delete Scheduled Report.
- You will be asked to confirm the deletion request. If you are sure you want to permanently delete the Scheduled Report, click Delete.