Additional Amount to State Income Tax
Employees → Taxes → State tab
When an employee would prefer to have an Additional State Income Tax amount deducted from their paycheck, verify the Block Tax slider is No.
Verify that the Tax Override is set to Additional. Input the exact additional dollar amount to be withheld for State Income Tax each payroll run, and Save. In the example below, the Single tax table calculation will be applied to the employee, including an additional amount.
No State Income Tax/Exempt
Employees → Taxes → State tab
Very Uncommon: When an employee would prefer to have No State Income Tax deducted from their paycheck. Under Tax Overrides, turn the Block Tax slider to Yes, and Save.
Blocking the Tax here will only halt the State Income Tax from calculating. When applicable, you must block the federal and local taxes on each tax tab.
💡 Blocking taxes can cause an employee to be under-withheld, which could result in client penalties. Whenever an employee requests to have taxes blocked, it is a good practice to have this request in writing. Contact your accountant or CPA for any employee taxation questions and your Payroll Support Team to discuss the verdict and to confirm how to code properly.
Different State Income Tax Amount
Employees → Taxes → State tab
When an employee would prefer to have a flat State Income Tax amount deducted from their paycheck, turn the Block Tax slider to Yes.
The Flat/Additional line will update to say Flat. This means a flat dollar amount or a percentage will calculate instead of the state tax table calculation. Input the employee’s amount or percent to be withheld for the State Income Tax each payroll run.
(Continue in Employee Residence is in One State, Work Location in Another State)