Employees → Employee Wizard
Employee Wizard Fast Facts:
- Employee Wizard and Employee Quick Hire offer you two options to add employees so that you can choose your preferred layout!
- It has five short screens rather than one extended screen, like the Quick Hire option.
Check out our New Employee Set Up & Maintenance Form!
Required fields will be marked with a Red Asterisk*. You will be required to enter data in each section before continuing.
Employment Information
Employees → Employee Wizard → Step 1
First is the general employee summary information.
Employee Number*: Defaults to the next number available in sequence. Custom Employee numbers can be entered manually.
First, Middle, Last Name*: Enter the employee’s Legal Name from their government-issued documentation. This will be reported on the W-2, so nicknames and unofficial names shouldn’t be used.
ID Type: Social Security Number is a requirement of the IRS and state taxing authorities to properly report wages; it’s mandatory to supply to avoid penalties. ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) or Other (FEIN or Federal Employer Identification Number) are often used for 1099 payments.
Status*: Employment work status, Active is the default.
Hire Date*: The hire date defaults to the current date. Update this to the date the employee began working for your company to report the new hire’s start date to state agencies accurately.
Adjusted Service Date: An alternative to the hire date for leave accruals and benefit parameters. Example: John worked for your company for 5 years, left, and was rehired a few years later. Use the adjusted service date to account for his five years of service (backdate by the previous years of service).
Birth Date: Highly recommended to enter as this is often required for various reporting.
💡 Accounts with Retirement plans: Enter birth dates for all employees, as it determines eligibility for Retirement catch-up contributions.
Gender: Options are female or male, related to Benefits, EEO Data, and Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), not the preferred gender of the employee.
Include in New Hire Report: Defaults to Yes; we recommend leaving this as-is. We report your new hire to the state agencies for an employment update, which is required of employers.
Address Lines 1 & 2: The employee’s primary home address location.
Zip Code*: Enter the employee’s Zip Code; the City and State will populate based on the zip code entered. Zip Codes also drive tax functionality, which you will see in steps 4 and 5.
- When applicable, if that zip code has multiple locations related to it, you must select the radio button of the correct corresponding zip code.
Employment Category: Full-Time, Part-Time, or Seasonal. Contact your Payroll Support Team to have additional categories added to the account.
TimeClock ID: (optional) This is an additional employee identifier used if the employee number differs from a timekeeping system identifier. When importing hours, the TimeClock ID can be chosen as the employee key versus the employee number.
Tax Exemption Status Type: Extremely uncommon. This is for an employee that is exempt from specific tax calculations. Please contact your accountant to determine an employee’s exemption status and contact your Payroll Support Team to update the employee’s profile accurately.
Work Email Address: The email associated with Employee Self-Service. Using their work email address is recommended, but a personal email address can be used in this field. Continue below to learn more about Self-Service!
💡 Multiple Cities tied to a Zip Code
Zip codes can encompass multiple cities and/or counties; these will appear to select the correct option. Contact your Payroll Support Team if the city/county is unavailable.
💡 Work Email Address Details
The employee will use the email listed in the Work Email Address field to access Employee Self-Service, Heartland Payroll+ App, and Heartland Time. This can be a company-issued email to the employee or their personal email. The email being used is at the discretion of the employer.
Work Email Address field: To set up Employee Self-Service, enter the employee’s preferred email address in the Work Email Address field (work email is recommended, but a personal email address can be used), which will become their login address. Confirm the Enable Self-Service Access option is toggled to Yes.
Once saved, the system will email the employee to complete their registration. If no email address is available at the time of hire, toggle Enable Self-Service Access to No. You can always enable this option at a later date.
Suppress Pay Stub Email Alert: Leave the toggle as No if you want the employee to receive an email when their pay stub is available. Toggle to Yes to prevent the email alert.
Enable Self-Service Access: Leave the toggle as Yes to grant access to Employee Self-Service.
Next. (Continue in Step 2: Pay)