Payroll → Payroll Settings → Time Entry Templates → Add Time Entry Template
To begin creating a new Time Template, select the blue Add Time Entry Template button. The template builder will guide you through four sections as you choose the Earnings, Deductions, Memo Calculations, and Taxes to include in this build.
Example: Bonus template sorted first by department, then employee name. The client wishes to provide employee bonus amounts listed by their home department. Second, this client would also like to report Holiday hours for employees that worked on Labor Day.
1. Add Template Properties
Description: Title of your template. We recommend being as straightforward as possible, using descriptions such as “Bonus,” “Commission,” or “Vacation” Pay so it’s clear which Time Entry template should be used in various scenarios.
Employees Per Page: How many employees are displayed at a time when this template is used (optional).
Show Override Workers Comp: (Optional)
Default Sort Fields: By default, this will sort employee last name, then first name.
Field 1: Sort option #1, primary filter
Field 2: Additional sort option #2, secondary filter
Field 3: Final sort option #3, tertiary filter
Select Next.
2. Add Pay Codes
Show Title: Toggle each needed earning line item to Yes, to include in the new template.
Display Order: Sequence of how the codes will display from left to right when viewing the time entry template.
Show Hours: Toggle to Yes to have the Hours column visible for this code.
Show Dollars: Toggle to Yes, to have the Dollar amount column visible for this code.
Select Next.
Following our example, the Bonus and Holiday earnings. The Bonus is set to be a Dollar amount, and the Holiday is based on Per Hours Worked.
3. Add Deductions (not common).
Show Title: Toggle needed deduction line items to Yes to include in the template.
Display Order: When viewing your time entry template, the sequence of how the codes will be displayed on your time entry template. Deductions are always listed after Earnings.
Select Next.
💡 Deductions in Time Entry Templates are for one-off situations. If you need a deduction to be continuous, please reference the [Employee, Recurring Deductions], as you will want to save recurring earnings and deductions at the employee level.
4. Add Taxes (not common)
Show Title: Toggle to Yes to include in the new template.
Display Order: Sequence of how the codes will be displayed when viewing your time entry template. Taxes will always follow Earnings and Deductions.
Select Save.
💡 Use caution when adding taxes to your templates, as descriptions can be similar. Contact your Payroll Support Team for assistance.
Viewing Your New Template
Payroll → Time Entry → Time Entry Grid → Change Template
After you have created the new template, navigate to your Time Entry Grid and select Change Template.
For example, the new template is sorted by Department, then Employee Name. On the left are the department names sorted alphabetically. Next, the two earnings needed were Bonus (Earn $ stands for dollar amount) and Holiday (HRS is short for hours).