One of the most valuable reports in the POS is the Daily Summary Report.
- In the POS, select the menu icon in the top right corner, and then select Reports. The app displays a list of buttons, each accessing a report.
- Select Daily Summary. The POS displays the Daily Summary Report, which provides an overall review of the restaurant’s performance in a single day or within a date range. Many of its elements are selectable, enabling you to drill down to finer detail.
- In the Sales section, if you select Items, the POS displays a list of menu items that were sold during the day or date range.
- If you select an item in the list, the POS displays a tickets report listing all tickets that included the item within the day or date range. By selecting a ticket number, you can review the details of a specific ticket.
- To go back up a level (such as from an individual ticket back to the Items list), select the blue heading at the top left.
- If you select a staff member in the Staff Members list, the POS only displays transactions performed by that server. If you select a revenue center in the Revenue Centers list, the POS only displays transactions performed within the selected revenue center.
- If you select the Date Range box, the POS displays the Date Range panel, which includes a calendar control and various options for setting the report’s date range. After setting an appropriate date range for the report, select Run to view the report with the new date range.
- To Print the report, select Print in the top right of the screen. The POS prints the report on the default register printer assigned to the iPad.