What are reCAPTCHA Keys
reCAPTCHA is a security service that protects websites from spam, fraud and abuse. It uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive CAPTCHAs to keep automated software from engaging in abusive activities on your site.
It does this while enabling legitimate users to login, view pages, create accounts and make purchases or payments on websites.
Step 1
From Payment Form page, choose reCAPTCHA Keys tab.
Step 2
To add a reCAPTCHA Key, select Create New Key.
Step 3
Create API Key modal will appear. Populate the fields and select Add New API Key.
*To get reCAPTCHA API Keys, please contact Payments Manager+ merchant for assistance.
A message will be displayed when adding a new reCAPTCHA API key is successful.
NOTE: reCAPTCHA Keys are required when creating/building forms.