Activity Summary
Shows the charges for the month categorized by card type.
- Type: The card brand of the transactions
- Sales: The total dollar amount of the transactions for the card brand
- Sales QTY: The transactions count for the card brand
- Credits: The total refund dollar amount of the transactions for the card brand
- Credit QTY: The transaction count of refund transactions for the card brand
- Net Amount: The total sale dollar amount minus the total refund dollar amount
- Total QTY: The transaction count of all sales and refunds
Deposit Details
Shows the deposits and debits; the previous statement total appears at the top of this section.
- Process Date: The batch settlement date
- Quantity: The count of transactions in the settled batch
- Batch Amount: The total dollar amount of the transactions in the settled batch
- 3rd Party: The total dollar amount of American Express (Amex) transactions when you have an Amex External Sales Agent (ESA) account; third-party is used when Amex processes the transactions
- Adjustment: The total dollar amount of transactions that changed after settlement per card brand rules
- Chargeback: The total dollar amount of customer-disputed transactions
- Net Amount: The total batch settlement and third-party dollar amount minus adjustments and chargebacks
Processing Details
Shows the fees for processing transactions. You might have a Pass-Through or a Tiered fee structure.
- Pass-through has the interchange fees and the processing fees separately
- Tiered has a flat rate, the interchange fees and processing fees are combined into one rate
- Description: The card type and the entry method category that is defined by the card brands
- Amount: The transaction dollar amount for the category
- Rate: The percentage used to calculate the fees; The interchange fees and the processing fees display separately. The first rate displayed is the processing rate and the second is the interchange rate the card brands charge for the transactions.
- Quantity: The transaction count for the category
- Total: The total dollar amount of processing and interchange fees for the category
- TOTAL: The total dollar amount of sales minus the total dollar amount of fees for the category
- Description: The rate tiers for transactions processed, it might be rate one, two, three, or four; only rates used are listed
- Amount: The total dollar amount of transactions for the rate tier
- Quantity: The transaction count for the rate tier
- Processing Fee: The fees for the rate tier
- Total: The total dollar amount of sales minus the total dollar amount of fees for the rate tier
Example To calculate the percentage of a rate if Rate 1 has:
- Processing Fee of $18.08
- Total Amount of $1,755.75
Divide using this equation: $18.08 ÷ $1,755.75 = 0.01029
Move the decimal two places to convert it to a percentage and round the number up to calculate Rate 1= 1.03
Transaction Detail
Shows the fees for all attempted transactions: approved, declined, voided, and refunded
- Description: The pricing structure name for the transaction fee
- Quantity: The transaction count for the fee
- Rate: The percentage used to calculate the transaction fee
- Transaction Fee: The total dollar amount of the transaction fee for the pricing structure
Other Details
Shows other charges, for example: Statement Fee, Batch Fee, PCI Non-Compliance Fee, Pass-Through Assessments, TSYS Network Fees (TSSNF)
- Description: The type of fee
- Quantity: The transaction count for the fees
- Rate: The percentage or per item cost used to calculate the fee
- Other Fee: The total dollar amount of the fee
- TOTAL: The total dollar amount for all of the Other Fees
Shows all of the charges added together to equal the total dollar amount for the month's fees.
- Description: All of the sections categorized on the statement
- Amount: The total dollar amount of fees for each section
- TOTAL FEES ASSESSED: The total dollar amount of fees for the month. This shows in the deposit details on the following month's statement as a negative amount.
If you participate in the Daily Discount program, the Processing Detail fees are calculated daily. The Other section displays your monthly fees.
If you participate in the Cash Discount you also participate in the Daily Discount program.
Statement Messages
Shows updates and fees that are effective in the new month:
- Rate increases
- Fees that are scheduled, for example, the PCI Annual Fee
- Card Brand announcements
- Any CPAY-initiated changes to your account
- CPAY customer service hours and contact information