We have functionality to allow shift managers to be able to create schedules in a spreadsheet and then import them into the system.
To do this, navigate to Team Management – Schedule.
From the “Options” drop-down menu on the upper right, choose “Import Schedule”
On this page you may upload your schedule in CSV format, either by dragging the CSV onto the screen or by selecting “browse” and locating the file on your computer
Your CSV file should include a header row representing each data point, and which should match the fields in our system. When you upload the file, our system will automatically identify all of your headers. You need to either match these files with an existing template or create one manually.
The following fields are required:
Time Zone
Start Date
Start Time
End Time
There are several other optional fields that can also be included:
Shift Notes
Shift Number
Break Type
Break Start Time
Break End Time
The column on the left will include the headers in your file. Choose the Time System field from the dropdowns on the right, to sync the file with our system.
When you have mapped everything, select “Next”
On the next screen you will need to match the file fields with the Time Zone, Job, Location, Color, and Break Type, etc.
When you are finished, select Done. You will have the option of saving this template for future use, or you can skip saving, and just proceed with the import:
The system will validate the file, and then notify you whether it has any errors:
If you have any errors, you will have the opportunity to fix them and then re-upload the file (if you saved your template, you can use it again to save yourself some time)
Once all errors have been fixed you should get a screen that looks something like this:
When you’re ready, select Import and your information should appear on the Schedule screen.