- On the Navigation Bar, select Company.
- Select the Add Location button.
- An Add New Location window displays. Answer all the window’s required information namely:
- Location Name (A) – Can be the address itself or the name of the business or location
- Location Type (B) – Choose between
- Office Location
- Customer Site
- Other
- Country (C)
- Street Address (D) – When the street name is being typed, autosuggestions shows as dropdown below it. If the address being added is on the dropdown of suggestion, select the address for the City, State/Province, and Zip Code to be auto-populated. If no suggestion shows upon typing the street address, manually type in the Street Address, City, State/Province, and Zip Code.
- If the location is the Primary Location (E), tick the checkbox beside the Primary Location section.
- If geo-fence will be set around the area, turn on the Set Work Perimeter for this location (F) and a map will open on the right side of the Add New Location window.
Not allowed
Add Work/Company Location
Not Allowed