Time Off in Lieu (aka Time Banking) allows the user to set up a time off policy to bank hours for an employee automatically or manually.
VIDEO: Time Off in Lieu / Banked Time |
Navigate to Administration - Time Off Settings and choose the Time Off in Lieu tab.
- Select the Time Off in Lieu tab and select the Add Time Off in Lieu Policies button on the top right hand side of the window.
- From here, name the Time Off In Lieu Policy and select Add Pay Code.
- Choose a pay code that you would like to bank hours for (ie: Overtime, Holiday Premium, etc.)
- Choose if you would like the hours to automatically bank the hours for the employee or if you would like the employees to bank their hours manually.
- Choose a Pay Code Hours Multiplier.
- Choose if you would like to automatically bank hours to a specific Paid Time Off Policy or if you would like the employees choosing which Paid Time Off Policy to Bank Hours toward.
- If you chose Always bank to fixed time off policy, choose which policy you would like to bank the hours to under Fixed Time Off Policy.
- If you chose Employee chooses the time off policy to bank to , choose the Paid Time Off Policies that you want to be available to the employees under Available Time Off Policies.