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When creating timesheets, there may be times when you wish to record other information associated with a shift. It is possible to create any number of custom fields for each time sheet. Examples of this can include information about companies who wish to record piecework totals.
Another common example is if a restaurant wishes to have employees record tips per shift.
There are three types of custom fields one can include in a timesheet:
- Text and Number fields
- Drop-down lists
- Attachments & URL
To create custom fields, navigate to Administration and choose the Custom Fields entry from the left-menu bar.
Text and Number Fields
On the first tab, you will be able to see all created Text and number fields. To create a new custom text and number field, select the blue Create a New Field button on the upper right.
Choose “Text” if you wish to gather textual information from employees, or “Numeric” if you wish them to enter a number.
Drop-Down Lists
To create a drop-down list for use in your timesheets, select the second tab, labeled Drop-Down. Each drop-down entry will be displayed as a card, where you can enter each of the options for the select form field. To create a new drop-down field, select the blue button labeled Create Drop-Down Field.
Create a field name and description, and you can either add options individually, as shown. You may also choose to indicate that you wish to automatically be sent a notification when an employee chooses a specific option. These will also flag these responses and they will appear on the "Flagged Answers" report.
An example use of this might be if you wish employees to affirm that they do not have a fever before logging in, and this can flag any answers that indicate that they do.
You may choose to add options by bulk. Enter each item in a list under options, and then select Preview.
Or alternately, you may choose to upload a spreadsheet of options, by selecting on the “Upload” option.
Attachments and URL
If you need an employee to upload a file to their timesheet for any reason, such as a consent letter, inventory list, or an expense report, or for any other purpose, you can create a file upload entry to be used in timesheets.
To create a new attachment field, choose the “Attachments & URL” tab, and select Create a New Field. Choose Attachment. Then enter the Field Name, Field Description, and whether you want this field to be enabled in the timesheet form creation.
The following file types are supported:
.aac, .avi, .bmp, .doc, .docx, .eml, .gif, .heic, .heif, .html, .jpeg, .jpg, .m4a, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mp3, .mp3, .mp4, .mpe, .mpeg, .mpg, .msg, .odp, .ods, .odt, .oga, .ogg, .ogm, .ogv, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .svg, .tif, .tiff, .txt, .weba, .webm, .webp, .xls, .xlsx
For URLs, or links to specific files hosted online, select the URL tab, enter, the field name, and paste the URL into the field description.