Are you are receiving a lot of NSF (non-sufficient funds) fees from your bank?
Reach out to your Relationship Manager or call customer care for more assistance and help from our pricing team.
What are the total fees that Heartland is charging?
The Heartland Payment Systems Processing Fees amount is the charge for merchant fees. This can be found in the HPS Deposits & Fees At A Glance section. The amount matches the HPS Processing Fee Subtotal amount in the Fee Summary section.
Why am I being charged a Visa Auth Misuse Fee?
This fee is charged by Visa for approved or partially-approved authorized transactions that could not be matched to a clearing transaction or an authorization reversal.
Which dates resulted in a Visa Auth Misuse Fee?
Heartland does not have access to specific dates. Visa notifies Heartland about these fees several months after the fact.
Why am I being charged an MC Data Fee-Unstld Auth fee?
This is a fee charged by Mastercard for approved or partially-approved authorized transactions that could not be matched to a clearing transaction or an authorization reversal.
What dates did the MC Data Fee-Unstld Auth occur?
Heartland does not have access to specific dates. Mastercard notifies Heartland 120 days after the fact.
Why am I charged extra fees in the Processing Summary - Paid to You by HPS section?
The Processing Summary - Paid to You by HPS section does not display any extra charges. This section is just a different way of viewing fees.
Can our statement show batches broken out by card type?
Reach out to your Relationship Manager or call customer care for more help.
We are enrolled in Daily Netbilling. Why are we billed for fees at month-end?
Only Discount fees and Interchange fees are billed daily. Transaction fees and Recurring Monthly fees are billed at month-end and are not part of the Daily Netbilling enrollment.
Why is there a negative ACH amount in the Deposit Detail section? Is this a fee?
No this is not a fee. A negative ACH amount for the Deposit Detail section is usually the result of a batch that was settled with a negative amount. This typically happens when the refunds were greater than the sales that day.