The Job Application Builder is accessed by authorized users through the following process:
- Login to your account.
- Select Hiring from the menu at the top of the page.
- From the left navigation panel, select Administration > Application Forms.
VIDEO: Hiring - Custom Application Forms |
On this page, you can access and edit any existing forms. To get into the Job Application builder, select Manage Forms.
The Job Application Builder Page Layout
The Job Application Builder page provides the following actions based on the user’s role:
Action |
Role |
Create |
Edit |
Copy |
Delete |
Users can access the following information and actions from the page:
- Add New Form: Create a new Application Form.
Application Form Details: For each Job Application Form, the following is listed:
- Name: The Application Form name.
- Status: The Status can be either Draft or Published.
- Jobs: The number of Jobs that use this Application Form.
- Last Modified: The date the Application Form was updated.
- Updated By: The last user to update the Application Form.
- Default: Whether the Application Form is a Default for Jobs.
- Actions: What the user is authorized to do with the application.
- The Application Name
- Default: If checked, this Application Form will be automatically used with Jobs.
Actions: Users can select from the following actions: