To view a posted Job, select the Job from either the Dashboard or the Jobs page. The following information is displayed:
- Job Name and Location.
- Status.
- Applicants for the Job.
You can also search for applicants in a long list, by entering part of their name into the provided search box and selecting the Search button. The results will appear in a new tab, labeled Matches.
- Preview Job - displays how the job will look to applicants.
- Edit Job: Allows you to update the job details. For more information, see Update a Job.
- Copy Job: Copy the Job so it can be re-posted or resubmitted.
- Assign Job: Assign the Job to another user. This allows them to receive updates, edit the job, and change other settings.
- Close Job: Close the job and remove the ability for Candidates to apply to it.
- Notification Assignment: Allow other users to receive notifications of changes in this Job.
- Resume Upload: This will only be visible if Settings > Premium Settings > Resume is set to Yes. See Settings in Administration Overview for more information. Setting Resume Upload to Yes will require Candidates upload a resume with their submission.
- Spread the word: Submits the Job to other platforms such as Craigslist, LinkIn, etc. You may also choose to purchase listings through Monster, CareerBuilder, JobTarget, and Indeed
Job Stats and Analytics displays:
- Days Active: How long the Job has been created for and not closed.
- Job statistics for 14, 30, 60 and 90 days.
- Job Applicants: Who has applied for the Job.
- Job Applicants by Status: Who has applied for the Job organized by their status.
EEO and OFCCP Data